Authorizations as event traffic controller
An event traffic controller can only be deployed for simple traffic controlling tasks such as a stop sign at a crosswalk during the four-evenings walk or directing drivers to the designated parking space. The independent control of traffic at an intersection for all directions of travel is not a task for the event traffic controller, but for professional traffic controllers, the police and the Royal Marechaussee.
What is allowed?
- Provide directions necessary for his task at the designated location
- Take supporting measures (eg placing signs and fences) as agreed by the organization with the road authority.
- Event traffic controllers can be deployed when it comes to simple traffic control tasks, such as giving a stop and entry signal.
What is not allowed?
- Controlling traffic at a location of your choice
- Controlling traffic in a different way than indicated by the organization in the post and task instructions (and as the organization has agreed with the road authority)
- Give directions other than what he is instructed to do
- Giving directions inside or from a vehicle. This means that the directions given by a traffic controller while he / she is driving are not official directions and do not have to be followed by other road users.
- Independently controlling traffic at an intersection for all directions is not a task for the event traffic controller, but for professional traffic controllers, police and military police.