Participant and Team Leader Codes
With the Participant code (deelnemerscode) you can invite traffic controllers to an event. You can, after logging in to, choose under organizer “invite traffic controllers” (“verkeersregelaars uitnodigen”) via “open task menu” (“open takenmenu”) in the orange bar.
After clicking on this you can select your event. You will then see a help screen with a number of questions. You can answer these or choose “skip this help” (“sla deze hulp over”). Following is the overview of your event, where you can also find the participant and team leader code. If you click on “invite traffic controllers” in the email in which the approval is stated, the steps above can be followed.
You can view the traffic controller deployment list (verkeersregelaarsinzetlijst) with a team leader code (teamleiders code). But one cannot follow e-instruction with this code.