Exams for professional traffic controllers

During the professional traffic controller exam, it is determined by the examiner and a delegate on behalf of the police whether a candidate has the necessary skills to practice the profession safely. The candidate is assessed according to the criteria on the assesment form. The delegate forwards the result to the Stichting Verkeersregelaars Nederland (SVNL).

During the exam, the delegate can use the Gedelegeerden App. The results can easily be passed on to SVNL via this app. This significantly shortens the turnaround time.

The exam is conducted at a pre-approved intersection. This approval is provided by SVNL. If an intersection is not on the list of approved crossroads , you can register it via examen@verkeersregelaarsexamen.nl. SVNL has this listed after approval of investigation. Only after approval exams can be taken at the relevant intersection.